
AmericanFlier is a comparative study of World Arts, Science, Music, Literature, History & Culture: past, present and future, to encourage truthful examination of the Human Spiritual Condition and free and open discussion.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Denise Sleeping

Denise Sleeping
Charcoal on 9"x12" paper
by JAS
March 12, 2008
Art Journal:
This is obviously just a quick Sketch,
But some of my friends liked it.
So I figured I would post it.
It is my wife,
who was still snuggled in when I got up that day.
She doesn't like it, she says I made her nose too pointy.
Oh well, maybe I did a little.
I hope you all like it.
It is a pretty fair likeness actually.